Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No Barriers Ministry

In Acts 18:5-8 we see Paul devoting himself completely to the task of testifying that Jesus was the Christ. This leads to his ex-communciation from the synagogue but opens a door for further ministry. What happens next is startling - the leader of the synagogue believes Jesus and receives public baptism. To put this in the modern context imagine that a former muslim is going into a mosque and preaching Jesus as the only true God. He is thrown out of the mosque but is invited to preach in a building that adjoins the mosque. As he begins to preach the first convert is the leader of the mosque. In modern terms this is what happened to Paul in Corinth.

Question: Why do we underestimate God's ability to fulfill Psalm 68:1? Why are we so quick to assume that just because we get pushed back a bit we must tuck tail and run? Why not go next door instead and let God do His thing?

Would you pray for God to give all who call on His name the courage to be winsome, passionate and contagious in our faith so that people who oppose us may come to believe in Jesus? Perhaps Hebrews 13:5-6 may encourage you to see what could be instead of only what is. To believe that there are no barriers too great to overcome.  To live as Paul lived and wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:10-12 

"What they did to Jesus, they do to us—trial and torture, mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, he does in us—he lives! Our lives are at constant risk for Jesus' sake, which makes Jesus' life all the more evident in us. While we're going through the worst, you're getting in on the best!"(The Message)


  1. Oddly, I can't seem to post a comment to your Psalms post, so I will do that one here.

    I am really looking forward to your series on Psalms. Like many people, the Psalms have soothed my soul in a huge variety of tough times. Since my divorce, the Psalms have become part of my regular reading, and I write more poems (which of course, spawn from emotion) from the Psalms than any other book in the bible.

    So I am looking forward to the next few weeks and hearing your meditations with real anticipation.

  2. I cannot post to the Psalms post as well. But I will comment...
    I do not relate to the emotional detachment. I have been known to be called too emotional at times! But I will say on the reverse.. when I am thick in my Bible my emotions are really in check. It is almost as if anything "wordly" becomes not as emotional to me and all my emotions are poured on Jesus. Does that make sense. Like I cannot hear a worship song without crying --also my emotions are poured on the lost. I cannot so much as see my mailman without thinking that he is doomed for Hell? I might be out there :) But I think the points the same.
