On Sunday our challenge will be very simple,
but not necessarily easy. Where are the idols?
What are the idols? Who are the idolaters?
It is clear that although Jonah was a prophet of God he was not obeying the first commandment. He had become so zealous for nationalism that it became an idol. He could not bear to think that God might have a purpose in saving the enemies of Israel, so he fled the scene and did his best to prevent God from showing grace to the people of Assyria.
If this doesn't sound familiar ~ it should. How many people, zealous for the church (as they see it), flee the scene because they don't consider the lives of non-Jesus followers as valuable as their own comfortable church setting? We would like to think that somehow we have avoided idols - but if we were to do an honest assessment of our lives we would have to admit that we give our allegiance to many forms of idolatry.
This Sunday we will engage in a adventure that may remind you of the Children's book - "Where's Waldo?" Instead it will be "Where are the Idols?" Pray for God's Spirit to be moving with power and authority and that our people will have an open life to God.
Here are the questions:
* How do our idols hinder us from completing the vows we have made? (think about marriage vows, new year resolutions, promises to ourselves or others)
* Think about 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. What does it teach us to do with idols ("speculations, lofty things raised up")?
* What weapons are we to use to destroy these idols? Read Acts 19:11-41 to get an idea as to how violent a collision between idols and the gospel weapon can be.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this subject, idols, anything I place before or value more than God. Isn't the basis of every sin idolatry? Weapons of this warfare - God's word, prayer, faith, power of Holy Spirit - I do not always utilize what I have. This is a battle that is spiritual - will I remain captive to the stronghold or walk out free in Christ? Will I do battle in Christ or remain passive in my stronghold which is easier? I am free in Christ, but I continue to place myself in strongholds of idols. I despise this - it breaks my heart when I realize what I have done. Why, why do I do this...I find it very frustrating to be free one day and then back in "jail" the next.
ReplyDeleteYou and the Apostle Paul would have been together on this - read Rms. 7:14-25.
ReplyDeleteI am coming to the same conclusion - all sin is from the idols of my life. So the key seems to attack the base of operations. Destroy the idols.